In order to secure payment of any duty, tax or charge and compliance with law or regulation as a result of activity covered by any condition referenced below, we, the below name principal(s) and surety(ies), bind ourselves to the Losurian Space Command Customs and Revenue Bureau in the amount or amounts, as set forth below.

This bond remains in force for one year beginning with the effective date and for each succeeding annual period, or until terminated. This bond constitutes a separate bond for each period in the amounts listed below for liabilities that accrue in each period. The intention to terminate this bond must be conveyed within the period and manner prescribed in the LSCCR Regulations.

This bond includes the following agreements:

Importer or broker §113.62

Spaceport Security Bond Part 113 App A

Drawback Payments Refunds §113.65

Interplanetary Trade Commission (ITC)
Exclusion Bond Part 113 App B

Custodian of Bonded Merchandise §113.63 (Includes bonded carriers, freight forwarders, cartmen and lightermen, all classes of warehouse, container station operators)

In-Bond Export Consolidation Bond

International Carrier §113.64

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Instruments of Interplanetary Traffic §113.66

Importer Security Filing Part 113 App D

Foreign Trade Zone §113.73

Space Terminal Operator

Lache Sict Z9B82G3B2V0S

This bond remains in force for one year beginning with the effective date and for each succeeding annual period, or until terminated. This bond constitutes a separate bond for each period in the amounts listed below for liabilities that accrue in each period. The intention to terminate this bond must be conveyed within the period and manner prescribed in the LSCCR Regulations.

HNB Surety, Hesetenes, Losuria CO9ADQ7COC6U6J7V